Thursday, February 15, 2007

Reason #187 Why I Hate Iraq

So there I am, after being awake almost 27 hours, body exhausted from walking around the stupid FOB four times checking the guard towers. All I want is a hot shower and sleep. My room mate says use the second shower trailer, the first one didn't have much hot water left.

Ok, cool, I appreciate the heads up, that's what buddies are for. So I head for the second shower trailer, head in, and oh yeah, umm, nice warm water. It's been over two days at least since my last shower, so I'm really enjoying this one. I do the whole hair washing thing (what little hair I have since it got cut off). Now I'm doing the whole soapy lathering thing. I've proceeded to cover myself from the neck to my toes in soapy lather, when boom, the pipes knock for a split second, and the water stops.

The guy in the shower next to me starts screaming expletives and pounds on the wall. I am a bit more optimistic, thinking "maybe it will turn back on", I turn the knobs a bit, but I'm totally covered with soapy suds, and there is nothing at all coming out of the faucet head. "OK, I don't think its going to turn back on", "please, please, please be a little bit of water left in the first shower trailer next door"... So here I am, covered in soap suds, thanking God I hadn't washed my face yet when the pipes died, walking across the gravel walkway between shower trailers, shower shoe flip flops squeaking and sliding from the soapiness.

One of my buddies sees me and rather than laugh at me, you can see the horror on his face, "oh dude, that sucks". "Yeah, I'm not to happy about it". I get into the first shower trailer, it's empty, Is it empty because the showers are also broken, or is it just empty because its 10am? I hop into one of the stalls and "OH YEAH, THE WATER WORKS!!!", "but, OH NO, it's only freezing cold water....", "OK Sam, suck it up, just get to soap suds off, and get out you wimp!"

So that is reason #187 I hate Iraq. (Do you like the inner monologues in quotes?) Anyone who has been in a shower stall when the water dies, left mid wash, covered in soap suds, knows how much that sucks.

Welcome to Iraq, my life.


Anonymous said...

Sounds an alful lot like a shower on board a Coast Guard cutter many many years ago. Water on, water off. get soapy, water on, rinse, water off, do hair, water on, rinse, water off, get out.

Anonymous said...

Sam that does suck....but at least you found water to wash off could have been an itchy day...It's another good reason to hate Iraq, I don't blame you.