Thursday, January 25, 2007

Young Winston, the Soldier

"After escaping from a prisoner of war camp during the Boer War in South Africa, Churchill quickly discovered that the fashionable atheism he had adopted before the war now failed him. Alone and in constant danger as he escaped through Boer territory, he turned to the faith of his youth and found himself singing the songs and saying the prayers his Christian nanny had taught him years before.
It was a permanent turning point in his life. In a matter of hours he renewed his grip on the faith of his fathers and never let go."
("The Faith of the American Soldier", Stephen Mansfield)

I found no comfort in any of the philosophical
ideas which some men parade in their hours
of ease and strength and safety. They seemed
only fair-weather friends. I realized with awful
force that no exercise of my own feeble wit and
strength could save me from my enemies, and
that without the assistance of that High Power
which interferes in the eternal sequence of causes
and effects more often then we always prone
to admit, I could never succeed. I prayed
long and earnestly for help and guidance.
My prayer, as it seems to me, was swiftly
and wonderfully answered.
("My Early Life", Winston Churchill)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Little do we know when we are singing to that baby in our arms that "Jesus loves you" how that will strengthen him or bring him comfort in his test of what his future brings in his path...Thankfully, He (Jesus) does love us for the Bible tells us so...God bless you all. Valerie (wife and mother)